B-29 Crew 2-19

Bruce “Buck” Jones
Ernest B. Smith
David H. Biggs
Harry Hood
Andrew Hager
John McCroskey
Robert Matias
Robert Core
Jay Capes
Curtis Welch
Seymour Eichner

One thought on “B-29 Crew 2-19

  1. I was trying to find information on my fathers military career when I came across your website. My dad is Seymour Eichner. He passed away in 2005. I am curious about several things.

    1. Where did he serve?

    2. When did he serve?

    3. What branch of the military he was in?

    4. Dad carried two coins with him everyday. I believe they were $1 dollar coins. My mom never knew the story behind the coins. All she could tell me was that she thought that they had something to do with his time in the military. If you know, could you please tell me the story behind the coins?

    5. I have this vague recollection of sitting at the dinner table when I was a young kid and my dad talking about the dog in the picture and how the dog died. I don’t recall too much about how the dog became a part of his unit or how the dog died. If you know, could you please tell me the story behind the dog?

    Thank you so much.


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